Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Huge Update

I have a ton of pictures that I haven’t put up so here are a few of them.

This was taken by the train station in Logan, it was a one in a million capture._MG_5853

Sears Tower in Chicago, I think I like to take building pictures sideways, my Eiffel Tower pictures look a lot like this too._MG_6058

Jellyfish, cool_MG_6098

This was at a Jazz Club I visited, I saw the bar like this and had to have this picture.  I am glad I went up and took it.


The Vietnam War Memorial, I love the little kid reaching out to the wall.


Arlington Cemetery, rows and rows of headstones.


Alexandria Virginia, it is like a mix of old and new._MG_6375

Bear Lake this fall_MG_6582_MG_6589

Mantua, also in the fall


Up Big Cottonwood Canyon in early October_MG_6652