Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Huge Update

I have a ton of pictures that I haven’t put up so here are a few of them.

This was taken by the train station in Logan, it was a one in a million capture._MG_5853

Sears Tower in Chicago, I think I like to take building pictures sideways, my Eiffel Tower pictures look a lot like this too._MG_6058

Jellyfish, cool_MG_6098

This was at a Jazz Club I visited, I saw the bar like this and had to have this picture.  I am glad I went up and took it.


The Vietnam War Memorial, I love the little kid reaching out to the wall.


Arlington Cemetery, rows and rows of headstones.


Alexandria Virginia, it is like a mix of old and new._MG_6375

Bear Lake this fall_MG_6582_MG_6589

Mantua, also in the fall


Up Big Cottonwood Canyon in early October_MG_6652

Thursday, October 21, 2010

All in one

I have wanted to take pictures of windmills for a while now, I have also wanted to do some messing around with HDR.  Looks like I got both of them into one shot.  I snapped this quick out a car window just outside Chicago.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I fixed the truck a bit so I thought I would put the changes up.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Two posts in a row

I have a few more to put up.  These are from a Hot Air Balloon Festival that was in Salt Lake.  It was really cool and was pretty hard to get good shots, there were small opportunities to get the balloons lit up by the flames.  Well that’s about all I have to say about these.  _MG_4864




It’s been a while

I haven’t put up any pictures for a long time, so here are some.  They are a bunch of random ones from various outings. The Yellow Truck I tried some strange oversaturation to try to get a different look.  Picture 2 is inside the Venetian in Las Vegas.  The third one is in a store, I really liked how the wax looked on the top of the bottles, I don’t know how I feel about the focus being on the second row of bottles instead of the first but oh well.  The last picture was taken about 9:00PM in France, I am really happy with how it turned out, the light was tricky but it really came out amazing._MG_0937


